I met her in 2005 as a piglet who had hopped and dragged her little self too freedom . A smashed hip so a free swinging rear leg and i kept her remaining legs strong with supplements . It was only several months ago after a mistake of letting someone out with her where she took a bad hit and over a month she went to a pig who couldn't get her self up to stand. ( She would still get around and run like any other for 12 of her years.) Why it was only last weekend she wanted out of her paddock and pulled herself threw her gate. I saw her looking in to me and staring into my eyes pleading with me to help her get up.. i tried a cart and she got angry as i tried to get it under her bottom. Yesterday i wondered when she wouldn't be able to do even that, and how would i call the vet to let her go when her eyes were still playful and bright. Did she hear me ... did she see my thoughts and did it on her own... I am grateful for the apples , peanuts , pears , bananas and pumpkins we had donated so she was always full with good food. And to my volunteers who worked like crazy to clean out her area yesterday and make sure she was in a deep pile of shavings and sweet hay on to provide a nest fit for our Queen and she was .
Oh how i will miss you Rose as you were always there to talk to me and answered every question put to you. Remember we used to campout... The most beautiful ear feathers framed the eyes of both beauty and intelligence.
I love you Rose .. i will always love you.
Oh how i will miss you Rose as you were always there to talk to me and answered every question put to you. Remember we used to campout... The most beautiful ear feathers framed the eyes of both beauty and intelligence.
I love you Rose .. i will always love you.